Sunday, March 23, 2008


My appraisal was okay, I was told that I am too quiet but hardworking, I was given new jobscope. The 2 new headcounts are coming soon, one gal is coming in early April, the other after mid April.

I plan not to touch alcohol or go pubs unless as much as possible, it is too destructive for the mind and body.
After days of raining, today's weather is perfect, I was running outdoor at 10 to 11pm+ and there was absolutely no need to wear caps! Myabe there is finally more chance for outdoor running instead of treadmill runs.

I found a bug in the system and was back in office yesterday and today,I need to refile my tax as my IR8 form was given to me after I done my efiling!

Friday, March 07, 2008


昨天我的教练突然打来问我可以不可以请假出席Shinjukai Aikido的二十周年聚会,她的一位学员临时不能出席而多了一张入场券,可以免费给我!


今天我终于有机会和日本来的贵宾练和气道,真的是百闻不如一见。我们平时的速度真的是太慢了,我这个4th Kyu有够丢人的。

Hiroshi Tada Shihan已经79岁了,可是一出场就一鸣惊人,他是O Sensei的学生!Ikuhiro Kubota很喜欢做两个Uke的招数,这样一来,简单的基本功就变成高难度的杂技了。

Sunday, March 02, 2008


Retail therapy works, and all of them are bargains, thanks to my aikido friends.

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